I am an internet user from last two years.Initially Satyam was a good service providers....But when the number of customers increased ..everything has gone.. No net speed..No customer service..
As a PC Hardware Reseller I sold mnm of 100 Satyam accounts. From last six months their service is not good. Eventhough the fault is from Satyam , they never ready to accept it.They simply blame your telephone exchange and your modem.
Yup.. If you contacted the customer care....Gone case Initially you have to wait for 5 mnts in a queue for getting connected to the line...After that if want to recover your missing ids or password means again you have to call them after some five hours.... Overall this is not at all a joke..My personal experience.
As a reseller when I requested about the net problem they simply came to a decision that the telephone exchange is the curlpit but at the same time VASNET is running so nicely....(For satyam connection they may need some h-fi telephone exchange it seems...!)
For the peoples of South Canara (Managlore, Udupi, Puttur) I am suggesting Vasnet the local internet service. Its the best service..with good speed and valuable customer support.
If you compared the prices also ..we have to pay comparetively more to satyam for their Hi-Fi worst service...