Mr Saurav Ganguly is a self centered man with no real game plan he could not lead the Indian team as a captain he always plays for his personal records. He does not have a captains attitude.He has become a below average player he had no good form in the world cup.i think he did the biggest mistake of his life time by winning the tos and puting Australia to bat first.This was a very important match for India and Indian cricket image but, he fumbled it all.He never had that sprit to lead India to the finals.It was the great contribution of other players the led India to the finals.I think players like Dravid is always not given the credit.He should have led the Indian teem in this world cup.
Mr Ganguly should take a break and do a lot thinking to get the things right he should have a game plan and he should stick to it.It better to give up his captaincy and play his natural game as he used to do.It is not fare to fully blame him but. But a captains role is very important in any match.He did not have the attitude that was there in Kapil Dev who won the world cup for India in 1983.Indian cricket has lost a golden chance to winn the world cup, and I think it will be very difficult for India to even enter the seme-finals in the next world cup.