The title for the post couldnt have been more appropriate, with the disgusting way in which the Managing editor of, Sanjay Jha writes his articles. He has a column named, JHAkas, (For the Jha and the Kas), so for a more elaborate expression of my disgust , I have named this post accordingly as Jackass. Again, on the news channel yesterday, he was going hammer and tongs at Greg Chappell. He started getting all senti, saying sob sob, why a foreign coach, cant India have an Indian coach , sob sob. What does Jha have against Greg Chappell. Look at his website, the first 4 headlines today are trying to tarnish Gregs name in India. What a wonderful day for Jackass oops, sorry JhaKASS(much better) to pounce yesterday. BCCI, didnt even mention a word about Gregs email, and buried it, and Sourav was given a clean chit. So, Gregs credibilty is in question now. Well, I must confess, this was expected from Dalmiya, oops, Ranbir Singh Mahindra, to vie for Ganguly.
And thence pounces our man, JHAKASS !! Have a look at his site, this guy, doesnt have Indian cricket in mind I say. He works for a group, the Dalmiya, the Gangulys, I dont know who ! But he sure does work for them. I still cant post a feedback to JHAKASS on his articles. Boy, what a website. Oye Jhakass, pehle apna site theek kar, uske baad, Indian cricket ko theek banaane ki koshish kar.Hey everyone, if you have genuine Indian crickets goodwill in mind DONT VISIT CRICKETNEXT.COM. Read my previous post for more details on JHAKASS.
FYI - he has actually accused Flintoff of being a liar on the homepage of his website. How mean, tame, and what not ?!! Is this how one maintains professionalism, that too in media circles ?? The site has now become disgusting and deplorable to say the least !! Also check out my blog -