It might be surprising to anyone who happens to read this that I have created an account in mouthshut just for the sake of writing a review on my favourite dada.
I think he is the best captain india can have right at this moment. He knows very well how to juggle his limited resources when he is deprived of some key players in the team. Moreover I like his commanding nature and the ability to get the players wound around him and get the best out of them. He always has the interest of trying out fresh talents and he is indeed very successful in that.
And he is sooooooooo cute. His style, his glory, the way he hits the ball off the boundary, all these are very passionate to me.
Well I am happy to be a bengali and moreover share the same name as his daughters-sana ganguly.
I am very interested in knowing more about his personal life and I would be the happiest person on earth, if someone who happens to read this review can show me a way for contacting him, his mail id or......... likewise.
Well the bengal tiger will keep roaring victoriously forever and forever.................