The failures of one?s youth are very hard to reconcile and moreover they have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt one?s old age. Those memories of lost chances, of overestimating one?s talent and failing to do anything good or even remotely substantial despite indulging in all sorts of buttering activities.
These thoughts seem to gnaw the innards of a person. And when this very person sees another man, in prime of his life, fulfilling all his lost dreams, it hits that person very hard. He goes mad, makes idiotic statements, puts his foot into his mouth, and spews poison barbs with gusto of a sex-deprived spinster.
The person in question is Bishen Singh Bedi who in his youth could not even hold a ball properly but expected everyone to call him a spinner. He, whose captaincy was marked with acrimonious disputations with his teammates! He is the same person who led the Indian Team to such nadir that it took a generation to catapult it to the top of the pyramid. Who is the person responsible for putting the team into the top? Yes, none other than THE Sourav Ganguly. But since it is India, where a right man in the right job is rarely tolerated, Sourav has to face critics, who far, from being constructive are first class lunatics, crusty losers, rabble-rousers and senile hindrances like Bishen Singh Bedi!