<bFame comes with a certain amount of cost I guess
i mean if we do look at the past I remember saurav being hailed as a no nonsense captain... agressive and able enough to motivate his teammates and a captain who does not hersitate to give it back to the aussies
and then comes sauravs bad string of scores and everyones crying foul........!!!!!
granted that everyone has to perform to stay in the team but the fact is do we have a sucessor and was he groomed for the post ? if not then what next?
my opinion lets give saurav a trial period of two more tournaments It is a reasonably fair period to do so and then Rahul Dravid Can Take over
Lets Look At the Pros In sauravs reign as a captain
1 Emergence of the twin finishers ------ yuvraj + kaif
i accept that these two with their talent had to break into the team anyway but lets not forget that with the amount of bickering and politics in BCCI these two players could have been eaily ignored or just given two matches and dropped right ?
It has been clear that yuvraj and kaif give due crdit to saurav for backing them up
and the same opinion has been expressed by harbhajan .
Saur has an ability to instill confidence in his bowlers too and that is a good quality
remember azhars reign and lets look at the no of players who have been in and enough of the team good prospective bowlers
david johnson d ganesh etc
2 Aggressive approach
How many times during azhars reign have we been literally steamrolled by the aussies the best way to beat them is by adopting a similar approach ---
in your face agressiveness and them ability to give it back to them
That can be seen in suaravs reign
3 statistics
statistics never lie and they do say that saurav is indias most sucessful captain
granted we havent still won a series outside asia but we did come close to winning in australia and that too aginst the worlds best side how many teams have managed this ?
new zealand has been beaten so have england in down under and there was the enormously sucessful tour of pakistan granted we still falter in the face of Pace but every journey has to start with a step and that step has already been taken .........
does BCCi really need to break the flow ?
ok crtics might argue that we have lost 11 finals but my contention is that the team lost cos of over confidence poor strategy and poor teamwork in the final and this certainly cannot be blamed on one man alone .......
And lets not forget the explosive batsman that saurav is two continous centuries in his first teo matches and 7000 of his one day runs have come as an opener
and lets not forget the explosive starts that dada has given india in the past with sachin .....................
Good form will come back to him a few discussions with chappel gavaskar and he might just rediscover his form .................................................
So thats it hopefully surav has felt the heat and he will silence his critics .........