Any mention of the magazine reminds me of the Savvy woman.
Every issue carries a big article I believe(usually in the first few pages)about a woman who has been nominated for the main feature. The concept is good. Unfortunately, more often than not, the Savvy woman is one who has been through a life of trials and tribulations. One could be forgiven for thinking that it is a pre-condition for the nomination of Savvy woman. In fact, it is a pleasant surprise to come across a Savvy woman who has not been through a tortured childhood or a turbulent divorce! For the rest of the magazine, it is a decent read. At least, it is not cluttered by as many advertisements as a rival womans magazine. I like reading the last page of Savvy - what used to be called the bah rah column. Not sure what it is called now. The column offers a kiss on the cheek to those who make sensible observations about women and a kick in the rear to those who are still stuck in the dark ages, where their notions about women are concerned. Do I recommend the magazine - sure, if you are in the mood for some light reading. And yes, men can read it too.