In the long, dull, boring, unenduring world of hackneyed Hollywood movies, now and then, a movie springs up that renews your faith in cinema as a form of entertainment. It is never my idea to reveal the plot, as that is the mainstay of this genre! So, I am just going to end up selling the movie just based on my experience...
Horror and suspense have been played from so many angles that we are offered very less fresh material. Ever had the experience of an overload of Agatha Christie novels? After reading a certain number of them, you start guessing and second guessing every character introduced in the work, and eventually you see your blood pressure take that dip at the end... ?
Saw is no such movie. Right from the start, there is a certain intriguing level of freshness (if thats even a word). Honestly, this theme is not new, but, the treatment certainly is.
You are given a snazzy introduction to each of the events and characters. Very little is revealed at the beginning, as you sit enraptured by whats happening right here and now. Then through a series of flashbacks and flash - forwards, you are finally taken to this euphoric level of expectation.
Finally when the plot appears to be clear, you begin your guesswork. As the movie progresses though, your understanding of the characters, the events and the plot itself are swept from right under your feet. The ending is not something you would guess directly, and something that will leave you wishing the movie, and the experience had not ended at all...
There are no dull plateaus in the movie, the acting is good, and the plot and its revelation are deliberate and worth watching. It is definitely, as the cliche goes, not for the faint of heart, and people who despise violent methods of killing and the like.