Visited sbf for mothers arthritis. But got no result even after 10 months instead pain has increased instead of decreasing. When treatment was going on with increasing pain doctors used to say initially on treatment it increases and then decrease down after some duration. But it has been 10 months since then and no sight of relief.
I had made part payment to sbf initially. Before when the payment was not made the receptionists and doctors would talk very politely and used to remind me of my next appointment date in advance. After the entire payment was made I never got any calls for appointment reminding and the doctors became somewhat irresponsible as when I asked questions the about progress of the treatment they would reply illogically and that too only after me asking the questions repeatedly. sbf does not give any case papers. If not getting any benefits they just tell us to enrol again and retry and nothing else could be done.
My advice please don’t waste you money at sbf as there is no guarantee even on such a high fees. When I asked for refund of atleast half of the money they refused & said I should not ask such unreasonable questions and they cannot be held responsible for zero benefit.