I am long term & long time investor in mutual fund industryies. when MF-AMC used to issue certificate to account statement to everything online on demand. I have now switched over to the latest i.e. online investing thru netbanking n get account-folio info-statement on demand as n when you want it i.e. just get on the net n get all the info instantly for your folios. I have experience in many MF AMC which has the facility for online investment.
Of all the MF-AMC I must accept the fact that SMI MF is most sluggish n unresponsive when you write to them or call up the helpline. Most of the time they do not answer to the complaints raised through emails. Call centre Helpline executives are normally lost when you ask or complain about your mf investments wrt a transactions done online. Your complaints remain unresolved for a very long time. If anything goes wrong, it would take a very long time to sort out the issue n hence your investments may remain stuck in case you need the fund urgently. Other AMCs give much better service of your complaints-queries.
Therefore, one should avoid SBI MF investments through their online service or otherwise.