I was a customer of SBI card for 3 years.
When you apply for this card, they will say the card is “Freefor Lifetime”. This is untrue. Every year the post an Annul fees and servicecharge to your account. You have to watch your statement for many suchdiscrepancies quite often.
The cards website never works. In any given month, itmight be working on and off for few hours. After repeated complaints andfeedback I have not seen any major changes to their website in 3 years.
In case your card is lost or have to make a last minutepayment, then SBI is not for you, look for some other card. They have very fewDrop Off boxes and their web never works.
The customer service employees in Bangalore are very rude, arrogant and irritating in those in Chennai are ignorant.
The reward programs too are junk.