AS such credit card facility is meant for those who can make payments within the stipulated time..Those who cant pay within the specified time limit;should never go for credit card. Recently I got a phone call from SBICARD regarding new scheme which relates to 2 nights and three days free holidaying in different places of India as well as abroad..
I too was given information with glossy and sweet words which prompted me to go for the scheme...They people offered me a nice wristwatch (Which is not worth deko)...I received the gift alongwith a list of hotel and all its branches with lot of exceptions which totally dismayed me..Viewing the list and conditions thereby, one would prefer to put off the idea of enjoying holidays..And on top of it, when I received the statement following month I got literally surprised by them having slapped an amount of Rs. 6067/- for becoming a member ..This and other things were not explained to me... To conclude I advise people to verify all details before accepting their offers