Just Giving you to read my letter to the customer care od SBI Ge Credit card to tell you what the SBI Credit card is all about:
To Whomever it may concern, This is to inform that I am a creditcard holder of SBI, I had made one purchase with my credit card long ago and had paid off the amount that was due, I had talked to the customer care which is not easy to reach and had tendered the exact amount that he said would make all my dues clear. The details are: Paid by cheque No. XXXXXX, Amount: Rs. 2417.04/- cleared on 21-08-2007
Surprisingly the very next month I received the bill stating that the due was clear but now there was a cheque collection charge that I required to pay(Rs. 61.80 as per statement date 02 Sept 2007). This was ridiculous as I had dropped the cheque into the drop box myself. I talked to the customer care again after several tries and he told me that it was a mistake on your part and I could just ignore it. But this amount kept on reflecting on every statement so I was disgusted with this and decided to get rid of the amount and finally paid another cheque to clear off the amount.
Details as below: cheque No. XXXXXX, Amount: Rs. 62.69/- cleared on 25-02-2008 (This was the total amount due in the statement dated 02 Feb-2008) In the month of March I received the next statement(Dated. 02-Mar-2008). This statement said that the total amount due was 0.00. Also I noticed that the immediate payment date was gone and unlike the previous statements the card did not have the "Blocked" status. So I assumed that everything was settled and my credit card was fully functional again. But still I had not made any fresh purchases with the card. I had not received any statement in the month of April and May. I thought this was because I was not using the card at all. This month to my surprise I received a statement that stated that there was: 1> a late payment fee of Rs. 350/- (What kind of late payment?...there was no payment due at all !!!) 2> Finance charges Rs. 11.97/- (?????WHY?????) 3> Total GST Debit for current STMT Rs. 44.74/-(?????WHY?????) 4> Opening Balance Rs. 337.08/- (Now if the previous balance was totally nullified and if I had not made any usage of the credit card, how can an opening balance appear in the current statement? Is this a joke?) Hence as per the statement Dated 02-June 2008 my total outstanding is calculated (by you) to be Rs. 743.79/- I cannot justify this due, so I cannot pay this amount. So kindly justify the statement that you had sent so that I am able to understand. My credit card number: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXMy Mobile number: XXXXXXXXXX Seeking your immediate attention, Debajyoti Chatterjee.