My name is Shanu, I am working for a MNC. I am using this SBI credicard since 1 year..I have many many problems as follows
- If you wanna make a call to customer care, to speak with executive at least you have to spend Rs 100/- for a single talk with executive, because when ever you make a call to customer care..they keep you on hold for minimum 45 minutes (your phone bill will be increasing while you on hold).
So far I have spend more than Rs.500/- to speak with customer care executives. (on 28th june 2013 by 6.46pm I was there on hold for 36 minutes, no one connected. I have spend Rs 32.00/-)
- In every statement they will add FAKE service and one time processing fee bills etc., on every transaction, those taxes info never disclosed to the card holder ever before are after.
Please guys better to go with any other CREDIT CARD, at least they will connect you with in 5 minutes if u have any problem. Please learn some thing from this review. Thank you.