I was an user of SBI Gold credit card, SBI Credit card is a joint venture between GE Money & SBI. GE Money operates the cards business. SBI is just a non-acting partner. SBI branches have a cheque collection box and thats all. all cheating, etc. are done by GE Money (american inc., we know they cheat). I had a very bad experience with it.
Although I used to drop cheques in time, they would still penalize me with fines. they added a number of hidden charges.i requested a lot to their customer service guys, wrote to regional managers, but they never solved my problems.
They would insist me to pay first, and they would look into the matter. One day, I calculated entire wrong charges billed to me so far, and deducted it from the next total payments I needed to pay, and payed only for the goods I bought using card.
I hold back payments of bogus charges. next, I cut the card into pieces. when collection agents came for money, I returned him. when they tried to heckle me, physically and over-the-phone, I just beat them black-and-blue, with the help of my friends and neighbors.
I broke some of their jaws and bones, and then took them to police station. registered my complain with police, and thus got rid of the card. my advice to card holders: if somebody tries to steal your hard earned money, in any form & in the name of anything, they are thieves. and we all know how to deal with thieves. just thrash them.