Overall, its very good. After a very big background checking I got one - few months back.
the interest rate, Free credit period, customer service everyting really good.
It is life time free card. No anuall fee. No Joining fee.
Im a registered member in http:\ http://www.irctc.co.in\ for past two years Im a reguar user of this website.
And Im a frequent traveller in Indian Raiway.
Initially I found a ad. in the IRCTC website, I read the card terms & conditions. It looks pretty good.
so, I registered myself interest on the Card. Then after few days I got a call from Delhi from the number +911244631300 they asked few questions and explained about the card.
And they said there is no annual fee and no joining fee. Then I asked to send a representative to my address (Bangalore). After one week one guy came to my office & gave me the application.
In that application some joinng fee & annual fee were given, then again I called the Delhi guy & confirmed its free for me.
Then I filled the form & submited. After two weeks, I got an SMS from "SBI Card" saying that my application has been approved and it will be delivered in 7 working day. But the next day I got a call from "Blue Dard" curier service saying that SBI Card came form GE in my name.
The next day I got the SBI Railway Card. Immediately I verified my name, dob, address, everything ...
After that I called SBI Card Customer Care (Chennai) 040-39020202, I cross checked whether any Joining fee or annual fee. They said what u got is LIFE TIME FREE card. And there is no Joining Fee.
Then the Cusomer care executive girl asked me whether Im interested in Insurence. Then I said, Im not interested. Then she noted that also in my record.
So, It is a Nice card to have, Than some private back cards.
so, If you are interested in Credit card in India, SBI Card is the best option - I suggest.
Its not international card.
low credit limit (for me its 25K)
lot of background checks, even failed in any one "check", they will reject the application.
Overall : its good