The author of the book on which this epic film is based is Thomas Keneally.It is certainly among the top three movies of all time.Directed by Steven Spielberg it recounts the horrors of the holocaust.In great painstaking detail.There are so many ways of looking at the film.One, it is the tale of one mans tireless attempts to rake in profit.Incidental to those efforts and perhaps because of his singlemindedness is the saving of lives of the hundreds who later call themselves Schindlers Jews.The film is history as it was made in those turbulent times recreated for a later generation in stark black and white.The film repeatedly proves that despite our pretensions to the contrary we are all human.And will submit to very human follies sooner rather than later.In the end Schindlers List is a magnificent story turned into a marvellous film that is part-chronicle and part-poetry.
To the story of this three hour long film.Oskar Schindler(Liam Neeson) who lived between 1901-1974 is a failed business.All the enterprises of this Czech born businessman have failed.When the Jews of Krakow-Plaszow in Poland are sent to a ghetto by the Nazis Schindler senses an opportunity.With Jewish money and help from Yitzhak Stern(Ben Kingsley) an accountant he starts a metal works factory.His company is called Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik.When his workers are sent to successive concentration camps in Plaszow and Auschwitz, Schindler asks S.S. chief Amon Goeth(Ralph Fiennes) for help.While Goeth is kept happy Schindlers workers keep manufacturing pots and pans within camp precincts.In the end nearly all people on Schindlers List are saved.