My self I have traveled in sea bird trourists bus volov, It wasreally fun and on the peak days I was not able to get any tickets forGoa, ..............even I tried lot of agents in market to *window.google_render_ad(); window.google_render_ad();buy but they were charging doulble rates then the orginal cost, Then itried in sea bird website ie. But there was noavablities.!1!!!!!
Theni call the opertor which is in gangdinagar and requested them to arange10 seats for us as it was really needed to travel Next day...........
Thenwith in 10 mins they said they will call us back, and after 20 mins byname Aradhya the incharge of seabird tourists call me and said theywill arrange as new bus for Goa , then we when there and we got ourtickets finaly and we have good facilies also for refreshments and inevening we left from bangalore and reached next day in panjim safely, wehave to thank to Mr.Aradhya and his team how made our toursuccessfully......................... ,
Thanks alot Seabird*