I uses Seagate 1 Tb Wired External Hard Drive for just 7 months . I chose Seagate Company as it is well known by everyone and is one of the trusted brands and most used brand and has a great reputation all over the world, and my family and friends recommended to buy this Product but unfortunately my experience has not been so good, there were many problems that I faced using this product and would like to tell you some. This product is very less durable and is easily breakable, I was able to use it for just 7 months and It just stopped working after that, It felt like I wasted my money on such famous brand which did not provide durable product. And the customer service is also very poor It took around 3 week to get it fixed, and their staff is also not very friendly. The product requires constant need of repairing which is also expensive. I had the worst experience with this and I would not recommend this product, there are many other companies that are offering same product at less price and more durable