Well, I have been using this device for about year and a half and to be honest its performance till date is absolutely AWESOME. The transfer speeds from drive to PC and vice-versa is amazing and reaches upto 120 MBPS p/s. While this is the speed on USB 3.0, one can get upto 25 MBPS on USB 2.0. Even on extended usage this drive doesnt heat up a lot. Talking about the design, it, s super sleek and easily portable device. Its about size of a passport. While design is awesome and simplistic, it cannot be taken as a rugged and strong built device. It is recommended that you get a hard drive pouch for this one. Even so, no hard drives could be trusted to be take a fall and survive it. So better protect than regret later on. You even get 200 GB of CLOUD STORAGE for 2 years after the purchase of this device and even an EXTENDED WARRANTY from Seagate. I have got no problems from my device to visit customer care but its customer support is very much reliable as I hear so from my friends. So if you have this in your budget I would definitely recommend it . ABSOLUTE VALUE FOR MONEY!