I HAVE SUDDENLY used this hard-disks.
This contain following features.:-
For starters, a great out-of-the-box feature of the Backup Plus Slim is that its compatible with both PC and Mac. You can just plug it in and away you go since the NTFS driver for Mac is pre-loaded on drive.
Also pre-loaded onto the drive is the Seagate Dashboard software and its here that you can back-up the files on your computer. You can use the predefinedProtect Now button or setup your own plan to select which folders are backed up and when.
You can also backup content from your mobile device to the drive(and the cloud if you wish) provided you use the available Seagate Backup app for iOS or Android. You can select what content you want to backup using the app including media, contacts, call logs and messages.
Interestingly you can also automatically save your social photos and videos from either Facebook or Flickr. Once youve approved access, it just works by putting everything in a folder on the drive calledMy Online Documents.