Search cactus is an interesting search engine which is great for finding links. It is exceedingly useful for the casual surfer, the writer, the researcher and for those folk interested in making a little bit of extra money when they surf. As a site Search cactus is highly attractive. It has a nice green colour, is a breeze to navigate and it returns links for your search very quickly. It presents the results very clearly. Now I mentioned earlier this search engine pays you. It pays you US$2 merely for joining and then at the rate of 2 cents for each search. There is just one little snag, however, you are limited to 20 seperate searches in a day , meaning that the maximum you can earn for your surfing is 40 cents a day. Still if you use this search engine regularly your earnings will mount up. Incidentally you must accumulate a total of US$20 before you can receive payment. All in all not a bad site at all, it comes wholeheartedly recommended from me.