Secret superstar movie is AMIR KHAN starrer film as a shakti kumaarr but this not a lead role of a Amir khan actually he is in supportive role for zaira wasim as insiya in lead role the film but shakti kumars aura is prsent from beginning of the film indirectly. Star cast is not so big, there is only three cast in in important role like - zaira wasim, amir khan, meher vij ( zaira wasims mother ) and raj arjun ( as a father ) .Whole movie is about chasing your dreams especially for mohammeden ( muslim ) girls.that how difficult is to Chase and fulfill their dreams.Movie has a very negativity and depressing scenes that make me depressed at the movie, first half of the film is depressing that shows, domestic violence by his husband in front of children in one scene.that is very negative that makes us depressing. Even I cant able to watch that scene.the scene was so negative impact.Some more depressing scenes are also their that will make you depressed and you will start thinking that how bad thing is this. domestic violence and gender biased people.The movie has a no sense of music, onle one song is little bit nice otherwise there is nothing good to listen secret superstars music.Locations or the film , cinematography of the film is not so good or up to the mark, locality is only in india.Direction is good, and performance by all actors are good. But I didnt expect that Amir khan will make a this type of boring & depressing film, I know that film has a good messege over girls but they showed some very depressing scenes I will suggest you guys that dont show movie to your kids under 18 age.I thought that film is by AMIR KHAN so it would be perfect fim but not met to expectations.Amir khan is known for to give the best & perfect film to their fans but this time he is failed to our expectations.