I love Johnny boy & in this flick what a get-up, I forgot number of time Ive seen it. Same with Stephen king his most books become cinema. Throughout his career, the successful author Stephen King has taken on several occasions, a player whose main activity was just writing. There are reasons for this dipped in an occupation of an essentially introspective, writers can become great characters, since they are constantly assessing their own lives & ideologies & is the work that these figures may find relief from their anxieties or paradoxically, may be faced with even greater sources of stress. Thus, a typical writers block can symbolize, in a novel, the protagonists struggle for their identity values & this is why it is so common that by the end of the book, the hero uses his experiences as a basis for their next job. King, incidentally, has portrayed both conditions both authors plunged into trouble because of his works (as in Misery) as inspired by their sad experience (St&By Me). *Secret Window, * latest adaptation of one of the stories of King, the writer Mort Rainey (Depp) falls in both cases while finding refuge in literature after the failure of his marriage, Rainey becomes plagued by a strange man, John Shooter (John Turturro) who accuses him of plagiarizing one of his tales. Aggressive & clearly dangerous to allow a period Shooter Rainey so that it shows proof that his story not robbed a version, published years earlier, of the same tale. Failing that, the boy will have to give credit to the shooter & fix the end of the story. The problem is that the journal in which the story was published originally in the house is the former wife of Rainey & the subject is still too depressed to review it.
Assuming a heavy character that could easily become annoying to the viewer, Johnny Depp solves the problem with his usual flair & gives the little comical touch Rainey, who turns into a strange figure, but charismatic. Easily intimidated by everything & everyone, the writer is an ordinary man who cannot impose even on the quiet lady who takes her cottage, hiding his habit of smoking, & even pretending to work on his new book when she is present (the rest of the time, he returns to his old couch to sleep). Thus, the presence of Shooter becomes unbearable for the subject, since, besides threatening him professionally, yet prevents him from indulgence in self-pity & depression.
Moreover, the options should be applauded Depp also for his courage, because the various tricks used to compose Mort Rainey (his habit of talking alone) could convert it into a mere caricature, but instead end up helping shape your personality. Moreover, the actor is able to portray his characters fear combat the threat posed by Shooter which, in turn, becomes really scary because the composition of John Turturro, with his imposing figure &his accent loaded.
The concern for creating interesting characters must also be given, of course, the excellent David Koepps script, which, throughout his career, often proved his talent in designing fascinating & complex figures. Whats better is Koepp also is no stranger to the suspense genre, being responsible for the efficient Panic Room . So the writer does not hesitate to use the interesting features that lead the viewer to identify more with the hero &his increasing paranoia as to enable us hear the thoughts of Rainey & also to make ourselves heard incorrectly lines spoken by other characters, such as at the time that the writer thinks he heard a girl say that `what he had seen when in fact she had said something totally different.The girl really knows what is happening between Shooter & Rainey? By establishing this doubt in the mind of the protagonist, Koepp not only increases the climate of tension &suspense but also provides little rules that justify the events of history in the third act.
But David Koepp is not only successful as a screenwriter, director as he also excels, doing his best work in the function. To start the movie with an exceptional decision in which the camera is approaching a house, entering through a small window of the attic &crawl inside the building looking for Rainey, Koepp already gives tone of the narrative to show the character through its reflection in a mirror - which soon reveals the real version of the subject. With this, we realize that the secret window title is not necessarily one that is in the attic, but those who, in a psychological symbolism, take us inside ourselves &reveal our most hidden desires & fears not Rainey who is only open this window, but Shooter, Amy (the former wife of Mort) & even Ted, the current husb &. One way or another, along Secret Window all the main characters discover & confront their own contradictions &desires (as Amy, who clearly divided between Mort &Ted).
With this, Secret Window becomes not only an effective suspense, but also an interesting character study & what is better, without cower in the face of Hollywood convention, put in a different conclusion & effective. & as Mort Rainey he says at one point of projection. The most important part of the story is the end & this is very good. What an act by Johnny with excellent dialogues its mind blowing cinema.Its Johnnys baby.