Its unbelievable, I have a sieko dress watch which has served me most loyally for the past 20 years. No its not a hand-me-down watch, but I bought this watch from a friend who had just bought it from a trip to japan. Its trouble-free, hassle-free, gorgeous looking (like any trendy watches of now-a-days). The cell needs to be changed only once every five years or so. The first cell I changed only after ten years , now do you believe when I say hassle-free.It says the glass is scratchproof. I didnt believe it as ancient scratchproofs aint REALLY scratchproof. But after ALL these years, its glass is as good as new. AND did I use it. Its a part of my left hand. Most often I forget and sleep with it. Its still merrily ticking away on my left hand as I write this review.
Folks, if you want a watch for life---its surely a SIEKO.
I wouldnt change it for anything in the world---now.