*As I had to be at the ground floor every day(where TV is available) for dinner and other exchange of information with my family before I go to my bed room in the first floor, I had to face the wrath of the gullible TV serials - of course they are not at all affected by my thinking on these despised Stale Stuff.
This may not be a generalised opinion but watching TV serial is very asymptotic - meaning our learning curve does not touch our inner brain as there is nothing in the serials to be carried to our mind - in my opinion.
As far as this Selvi is concerned, it speaks out lavishly about the friendship but loses its importance in the middle giving lot of portion to her husband and his notorious activities and finally ended in a directionless state.
The story only painstakingly hit the younger generation who are glued to the TV because it only airs all sorts of misbehaviours throughout the 99% of the TV serial show and at the end shows the victory for truth but it is not going to impress the audience as their mind and body are already been polluted. It is the cinema which ruined the society - the evidences like cold blooded murders, ransacking etc., are taking place at the new techniques shown by Cinema and now TV serials join the same.
I am only to comment that people who desire to run a carefree life have to desist from wathing TV asa whole. You may say that it brings lot of other information - I do agree but such of the channels like animal planet, discovery have meagre takers. You can find the same information in the newspapers.
The bad part of the TV serials is that we lose the reading habit and it is very difficult to inculcate this habit in the younger minds. When you read, you visualise the story and it enlarges the brain. But just watching TV is not a good thing. Even it is proved that one tends to burn lot of energy by just sleeping than watching TV.
Rajsekar, rllg06@rediffmail.com *