Yet another Mega Creation to bring out women domination.These Mega serials Challenge to hit their targets to win the appreciation.But I dont know were all this is going to endup with.Whats happening to The Male Category?Why are they being depicted by some of the Men themselves as though all the gents are almost helpless and not able to run the family efficiently & run away neglecting their duties, families & Responsibility?
PLOT:A Millionaire jewel merchant living In Sri Lanka with his 2nd wife & her 2 sons + 3 daughters, is also having Selvi his Eldest dot born 2 his 1st wife.This so called merchant has a business colleague who has been with them right from the start, Aandavar Lingam plans out to abduct all his wealth and at a time makes the merchant drink fully and gets him sign the papers that transfers everything to his name.He then forces this Merchant run away from his family not able to bear the torture of some debtors, arranged by Aandavar.
Niranjan his 1st son rushes into a combat in a public place with Aandavar for Betraying his Dad.In return Aandavar uses his Influence to stamp the name of Terrorist and make Flee away to India.
Selvi is burdened with responsibility.They Give Away their Palace like house as dowry on demand to one of the irresponsible Daughters who gets conceived in an illegal love affair.With two other sisters and a useless brother + her stepmother Selvi gets refugee from her True friend Thaamarai & her husband G.J. in India.
Struggles enter Selvis life once again, when her friend gets hurt by the temple bell, on her head and goes to coma.Selvi gets thro as many tortures that Ranjani GJs sister gives to remove her from her sis-in-law & Brothers friendship.
Finally she plans to arrange a 2nd wedding for her brother with a widow, of his competitive business family, wickedly to make a real Khazana from her brother + this new girls(widow)brother also tempts Ranjani to proceed in her treacherous plan........... The entire mega serial fan world is waiting before the Idiot box to see the Ending of this mega serial????????????????
The Culture of Efficient Women Executive, Administrators, Business Magnets & ofcourse even anti heroinism Like Ranjani, is spreading like Malaria.Sometimes these Mega Serials give courage to those who really in need Self-Confidence for Girls like Selvi who have to withstand their family ties.But at the same time they are emphasizing the fact that Gents are becoming useless as in Selvis Dad, Bro.Niranjan, Ranjanis Hubby, father & Younger bro.phobia-maniac?
The character of Selvis yet another younger sister & the family who employs her is upto the law of western culture & Hi-Tech Lifestyle.Such characters are the worst curses to Indian Tradition and Culture.
Its true Mega Serials depend on the women category 2 bang a success.But the directors should not assassinate male roles, authority, & responsiblity in our Indian families.This is dangerously leading to Women Domination which is totally different from women equality.
Equality leads to a healthier society & it should be obtained by give n take of true love & affection.But women domination leads to enemity between male-female category.Men when subordinated by women will develop an aggression for vengeance and wait for an apt time to defeat her to the Lowest position and vice-versa.So Equality should be highlighted rather than dominating anti heroinism.
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