I bough these earphone from flipkart for 650? , these are best earphone at this price , these earphone has many pros such as
1) Its an great buy . its design is good ,
2) good branding ,
3) base is also too good ,
4) there no noise from outside after you plug it in to your ears
5) 2 years of warranty
But as every thing has some cons these earphone has too .
1) As compared to mi basic ear phone ( 500? ) these earphone lack in durabilty as mi basic has metal caps and this earphone has plastic caps
2) not available in many colours
3) No free case or cover to keep them safe
I thought there are many pros as compared to cons , so you might check these out
I rated
design - 9/10
sound -8/10
durabilty -7/10
branding -8/10
overall 8 , Good buy