If people are complaining that harry potter is too imaginary.wait.there are two types of imagination, one that happens in real life and the other that is too fictional.
A famous london rival said to jk rowling(harry potter author.duh) " you are spoiling a child mind, teenage mind, adult mind.but .wait again.if she comes to know of ekta serial she will reliase that she has gunned down the wrong person.
Why Ekta
If I am not wrong, ekta kapoor is not married, so naturally she wants to act out her fantasies(no-pun intended).Whether in KunKi.Kahin to hoga.kasuti.etc etc
She keeps killing people, raping, plastic surgery people in her serials.I tink she herslf has lost count of how many people have been killed.raped, plastic surgery in her serials.
She makes a whole lot of money.But it seems time for her serials to go
Programmes like indian idol, nach baliye, bigg boss, fame x is here to stay.
One Last word
Ekta, pls make a serial that is sensible, not with absurd way of potraying women and men relationship.even if u have a weird title.it will have to do but.plaese more values less obscenities, more great stories, less nonesense, mix all these indgredient u get a great serial.
PS: Improve ur dress sense, to attract guys to marry you.Peace Out