I think with the recent turn of events at the Balaji Fils-produced Kahin Kissi Roz, Ekta Kapoor has seriously lost the plot(pun wholesale intended). I mean, what the heck, Kunal and his entire family get burnt, and are bloody reborn(at least Kuna and Shaina)!
How the hell can that be explained, except that warrior princess Ekta Kapoor has been reading too many romantic fiction novels.
And then the audience is led to believe that Shaina Sikand is reborn, and guess who she looks like - bloody Shaina Sikand of course. The same 35+ woman, who badly needs to hang on to a dying television career, whose voluptious asstes are belying the role that she is intended for - a college girl. So what does Ekta do? She redesigns Mouly Ganguly(any relation to the crappy Ganguly supposedly leading India in the ODI in Aussie?) hairstyle to a braided one, puts lots of kajra in her eyes, thinking Ganguly would look young! Pah!
She looks young all right - a young overdone pro*titute more like it!
And then we are led to believe after all this fairytale is transpiring, Ramola Sikand is still evergreen as ever. Cmon man, give us a break - that crap is supposed to be after 20 television years. Cant people even expected to age in Kapoors serials?
I think Kapoor should stop her crap serials, and take to movies. In that manner, at least young Chootar Kapoor(sorry, Tushar) would at least get to act.
The poor loser is waiting for jiji to get him a movie, cuz nobody else either wants to direct or produce a movie with Tushar in it.
I dont blame them - creativity was never in the Jumping Jack clan!