Its so funny, how just two words can evoke countless just two words can make your anger reach its peak, how just two words can make you depressed, how just two words can make you laugh insanely, how just two words can force you to bang your head on the wall!
Those Two Words being Ekta Kapoor.
In the words of politically correct websites, she can be introduced as the queen of Indian Television. But I would rather label her as the queen of crap! She has completely changed the face of Indian Television.yes I agree, but she has changed it to gibberish and nothing else. She has changed the thinking of Indians, .oh yes, and made everybody think that anybody can get married any number of times to anyone, any normal human being can die and again reappear like nothing happened, anyone can get a plastic surgery and look entirely different after a simple accident, so on and so forth!
It seems like she lives in a different world, and has a completely asked version of the traditional common mans world. On a serious note, I feel, through her nonsensical soaps she makes fun of sadness, trauma, the stature of women, the society, and to sum it all, she mocks Life.
Someones death is treated in the most obnoxious manner one cannot even envision. A recent example being 3 characters dying in one episode ofKasautii Zindagi Kay. It was absolutely preposterous to watch the other characters not being concerned by the death of the lady, whose name I cannot recall at the moment. Infact they recovered from the setback so swiftly that it was hard to believe that they had lost a family member.
One question that haunts me whenever I watch her soaps is that how, for Christs sake, can some woman sleep in her daywear with makeup on!? The bahus of the K-serials either are very lazy or they like to look good even in their dreams!
Its not just a headache to watch her serials, its also a headache to write on her serials! So, I would like to end my painful review here. But, as a conclusion I would like to scream a big no-no to Kekta Kapoor and also, not advice you to watch her serials if youve just broken up or have some family problem or are going through any kind of tribulation because these soaps will all the more depress and irritate you.
I would like to give you some precautionary warnings before watching any K-serial:
1) Sit miles away from your television set, as you may like to break the T.V. after going through such torture.
2) Do NOT hold anything in your hands(specially the remote), as you may throw it at your t.v. or the floor or at someone!
3) Please never even try to make sense of these soap operas.
4) And finally, watch these serials as comedy shows!
Thankyou. Hope you follow these safety measures!