Set max channel is a part of sony entertainment channel groups it is a hindi movies based channel and broadcast 24 hours.
and it is a very old channel I see but entertaining value is zero of this channel and they show only old and boring movies all time and especially they broadcast sooryavansham movie often because they have a broadcast rights of sooryavansham movie for 100 years.
and every movie broadcast in double time in this channel because if they show a movie till 15 minutes then advertise will show for 15 or 20 minutes and can spend double time for any movie.
and set max also broadcast cricket match of Indian cricket team since many years and also had a rights of all matches of cricket world cup 1999 and set max broadcast all matches live at the time of world cup.
and also telecast of Indian premier league ( ipl) till the last years.
but only cricket matches were the entertaining event of set max .
and now a days set max is a non entertaining channel .