Sethupathi by Vijay sethupathi is a good cop movie in Tamil after a long time. Usually Tamil movies have lot of Masalas and less sensibility but this is bit different from that.
Normal and simple policeman without big muscles and without great strength makes smart moves to solve a case.
This is a 2 hour movie and wont let to divert your mind for om the story.
Why should you watch-
A simple script but very strong emotions and very smart one unlike other muscle movies.
The direction by A S Kumar has been wonderful and great cinematography by the team.
Very good acting from Vijay and the child artist have done a superb work.
Quite natural acting and action rather than exaggerated shots.
Must say the camera man has done a great piece of work, very good shots.
Sound track are quite decent.
Best scene -. The scene when Vijays son uses gun that scene was great very well planned and executed and the strong bond between father and son was expressed.
I would say that this movie is out of the usual bunch of movies in Tamil and have done a great work.
Natural acting and simple yet smart plot that will make you think and how a simple normal policeman can make a difference is conveyed quite nicely.
I would suggest others this movie, worth watching