Thrillers which have their tempo that are maintained throuout the film are very few. Most thrillers get lost in the middle of the narration . Seven belongs to the former genre.
Seven follows the story of two homicide detective Brad Pitt and Morgan freeman
who are investigating a series of murders that are being commited. Morgan Freeman beleives that these are being commited by the same person and there is a motive. But Pitts thoughts are otherwise. After a few initial hustles they both come together to find the murder.
The murders follow what they call the worlds deadliest SEVEN SINS Gluttony , Greed , Sloth , Pride , Envy , Wrath and Lust. Director David Fincher has wonderfully brought the tempo and has maintained the suspence and thrill throught the film.
The acting definitely deserves a special mention .... be it the impatient Brad Pitt or the matured Freemans beatiful portrayal everybodys done fine. But the dark horse is Kevin Spacey. Though he comes only for a couple of scenes his dialogue delivery and acting is simply superb. Its outrightly the best performance of the movie.
The cinematography is wonderful. The music is supportive but the audio could have been better at certain places else its wonderful. Director Fincher has done a neat job to pull out a successful Thriller.
But there are a few cliches. Morgan Freemans sudden attachment to Brad Pitt. Gwyneth Paltrows sudden attraction towards Morgan Freeman is also so vague. The director could have done somethig to prevent it look out of place and out of the tempo. But still this being a thriller no critical looks.
Enter ... Entertain.... Enjoy. Thats it
My Rating:- 7.0 / 10.0