^<----- Who put this funny movie poster??? Its irrelevant lol......
I saw Sushmita Sen’s Samay which was inspired by the movie Se7en so I thought of writing this review. Though I personally liked Samay and Sushs performance, the movie in no way comes even closer to the impregnability of Se7en .
Se7en isn’t fun, it’s not going to leave you with a happy feeling, either in your mind, or in the pit of your stomach (weaker stomachs, be careful). But if you appreciate the beauty of a great movie, Se7en is a recipe for great entertainment.
Se7en is one of the most disturbing, sickening, dark, gritty, engaging, surprising and encompassing thrillers I have ever seen.
Plot in short :
Its about catching a psychopath criminal who has committed seven murders based on seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Pride, Envy and Wrath .
The first hour and a half, we never know who the killer is, and then he reveals himself in the final thirty minutes.
Cast and Acting :
Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman - Together, they make a terrific detective pair trying to solve this gruesome case.
Gwyneth Paltrow -She adds whatever little happiness there is inside this film.
Kevin Spacey : And I dont think I will ever forget Kevin Spacey in this movie. A killer, Jon Doe, gives a chilling performance.... sadly he did not get the centre stage as much as Anthony Hopkins did for the Hannibal trilogy. Personally I rate Kevin Spaceys performance in Se7en better than Sir Hopkins in Silence of the lambs !!
Seven reasons to watch Se7en:
1) Kevin Spacey - This guy appears in last 30 mins of the movie and the movie is all his!! He beats all the performances and sends a chill thro your spine. He, as Jon Doe, is the best part of this brilliant Masterpiece ... I am short of words to describe his performance... in this movie he is a sheer genius!
2) The way the seven murders are committed!!
3) Brilliant acting by everybody!!
4) Great direction and script!! The director doesnt try to preach at you. However, he DOES let the killer preach at you
5) Change of pace of the movie in last 20 minutes!!
6) Se7en is definitely one of the best films ever made. It is one of the most intelligent films of all time.
7) Catchy lines and quotes in the movie few of which I have mentioned below...most of them will make sense only after watching the movie...
So I am signing off with Se7en quotes from the movie....I hope they will again bring shivers to those who have seen it and will be chilling enough and create a curiosity in those who are yet to see this movie!
Se7en Quotes from the Se7en:
Jon Doe: Wanting people to listen...you cant just...tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer. Then youll notice youve got their strict attention.
Mills: But the question is: what makes you so special that people should listen?
Jon Doe: Im not special. Ive never been exceptional. This is, though. What Im doing. My work.
Jon Doe: You should be thanking me.
Mills: Whys that, Jon?
Jon Doe: Because youre going to be remembered after this.
Mills: I’ve been trying to figure something in my head and maybe you could help me out yea? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that youre insane?
Jon Doe: On the subway today a man came up to me to start a conversation. He made small talk, this lonely man, talking about the weather and other things. I tried to be pleasant and accommodating, but my head began to hurt from his banality. I almost didnt notice it happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. He was not pleased and I couldnt help laughing.
Jon Doe: Im setting the example. And what Ive done is going to be puzzled over...and studied...and followed... forever.
Jon Doe: Realize detective, the only reason that Im here right now is that I wanted to be.
Detective Somerset: This isnt going to have a happy ending.