Seven Hills Hospital, Mumbai has been started with all the good intentions one can think of. The CMD has likened it to the Indian Railways where people of different economic and social backgrounds can avail of its services.
But the question really is whether these ideals have been met. The opd charges are very competitive. In fact they are much cheaper than that of many other hospitals and nursing homes.A specialist can be seen for Rs. 300/- and a super specialist for Rs. 500/-. In addition to this, visits for the next 10 days or next 3 visits (whichever is earlier) is free. And it needs to be pointed out that most of the full time consultants are highly experienced and competent.
The charges for diagnostic services are also very reasonable considering that the tests are being conducted by highly trained personnel with the best equipment giving rise to the least scope for error.
The general ward beds have been opened and are fairly reasonable, with daily bed charges (inclusive of food, etc) of Rs. 700/- per day. That too is quite reasonable in a city like Mumbai.
Moreover, unlike reports in the press, poor patients are being seen on a daily basis from 9.00pm to 12.00 noon and there is a separate OPD for them. Patients availing of this facility have to show their ration cards for being eligible to use the services, which I think is quite reasonable.
At the same time, there are deficiencies which the authorities need to tackle. There is an inordinate delay in the patient coming to the hospital and being seen by the consultant. There are too many formalities which the patient has to go through. This is okay for stable patients but definitely not okay for those who are unwell. There have been several complaints about the delay in starting treatment once a patient is admitted. These are not acceptable and need to be addressed urgently by the management. The hospital should be centered round the patient and his or her well being. If the patient (or their relatives) are unhappy the whole purpose and goals of the hospital are defeated.
It has also been pointed out that ICU charges are far above that expected. The management needs to seriously look into this.
It is for the interest of all people living in this area of Mumbai that this hospital does well. The management needs to keep an open mind and respond to criticisms in a positive and proactive way. If this is done the hospital will grow by leaps and bounds and will truly be the pride of our city.
I have until now pointed out the positive aspects of the hospital.