This magazine called Seventeen India , may perhaps be targetted to
girls from 15 to 23 or so.However as I said it is an insult to the
intelligence of a 12 year old. Why do I say that ?Read on
a) The content is almost entirely advertizing. Approximately 90% of the
magazine consists of advertisements or advertisements in the guise of
little fragments of reviews/articles / writeups on various
products.There no other content to speak of.
b) The pages which remain net of the ads have really poor content such
as birthday tarot forecast for Aries, proper use of condoms (dont
people read Mumbai Mirror these days - 5 days a week they tell yoo
these things. Actually you have to flip through the magazine several
times to find any non advertising content.
c) The content of the magazine and its presentation (including ads) is
highly fragmented, there is just nothing coherent about it. Other
tahn adverts there is no central theme to the magazine.
In summary this is magazine for the dumb segment.