I always believed and now its proved that these kind of services would never succeed in India. I had used NetFlix in US and am a very satisfied customer. Also services like RedBox in US are worth mentioning.
Anyways, after reading the only 2 reviews I got myself a membership and paid 1397/-. I placed mopvies in my queue and its been 8 working days and there is NO movie on my home still. There customer service phone number 4146 7070 is non-operative. I have called at different hours and never found anyone to talk to.
I am a very dis-satisfied and irate customer and would do anything to get any deposit back.
India has a looooooong way to go before these businesses make profits and make a mark.
Till then the local Video parlors, stayyyy.
I always believed and now its proved that these kind of services would never succeed in India. I had used NetFlix in US and am a very satisfied customer. Also services like RedBox in US are worth mentioning.
Anyways, after reading the only 2 reviews I got myself a membership and paid 1397/-. I placed mopvies in my queue and its been 8 working days and there is NO movie on my home still. There customer service phone number 4146 7070 is non-operative. I have called at different hours and never found anyone to talk to.
I am a very dis-satisfied and irate customer and would do anything to get any deposit back.
India has a looooooong way to go before these businesses make profits and make a mark.
Till then the local Video parlors, stayyyy.