Ive had the worst possible experiences - repeatedly - with this company. What started off as a promise of convenience soon turned out into a nightmare. Key issues with this company:
They dont deliver as promised, especially when you order over the phone. The movies never arrive, despite repeated reminders. Once, when I asked the service rep "How many times do I need to call for a set of movies to be delivered?", his reply was "25 times". Can you beat that?
They ask you to keep your rental queue long - and deliver only movies at the bottom of your queue. Ive had to go to DVD rental stores around my house to get newly available(originals) DVDs. Very poor inventory management.
Rude customer service staff. In addition to the incident in Point 1 above, Ive had the phone banged down on me a couple of times.
Payment fiascos. After agreeing to waive off payment for a month, I get reminders to pay up else have my account suspended.
After a year of this nonsense, I have decided to give up this stupid service.