I had taken a membership ( promotional offer through HDFC ) for rental movie for a year
Initially for 3 months the service was good- prompt. Later since November 2011 they started delaying the deliveries for weeks and used to give some lame excuses.
After detailed complaint things improved for a few weeks. Then in Jan their customtakeouter service called me and asked me to close the rental membership and take a refund of balance amount in form of shopping vouchers. Now they do not accept the mails sent to customtakeouter support nor do they take the voice mail calls.
I beleive these guys are done with cheating the Indian customtakeouter and raising big money from various venture capital funds from abroad.
Please do not use their shopping site with prepayment- if you want use it with cash on delivery.
If some one has managed to get the redfund from them please advice me also.
Iqbal Nasser - nasserathome@gmail.com