It is really sad that Indian laws allow "dyed in the wool" fraudsters like seventymm to get away with murder. This movie rental service is nothing but a daylight robber in the guise of an online rental service. Let me explain how they cheat customers. They have a very snazzy website which lists thousands of titles. The gullible customer gets lured and ends up paying the rental in advance. The horror starts now. When you order a title which is shown as listed, you never get the delivery.
Much to your disgust, their customer service numbers are always busy ( just try the numbers, I am sure if you get thro, you can claim the Nobel prize for luck!!). Emails dont even get an acknowledgement leave alone a response. After a while, you realise that the whole scheme is shambolic designed to cheat gullible customers. I am now planning to file a criminal case against this fraudsters and cheats