I am a member since 2007 and was very happy about this concept of home delivery and that there were no late fees, you can keep the movies as long as you like except for high demand movies which need to be returned within three days.Of course when they do the marketing for this product, they promise you the earth but I think there are many members who will agree that their service is pathetic.
You have a Wishlist option where you can choose movies and add to your Wishlist and if they are available, you can order same with the "Get It Now" option if it is available immediately and they also have an "Alert Me" option where you get an sms alert when a movie is available.Of course some movies will never be available.
The initial few months were fine, i would order the movies and get an sms alert in the morning the next day which movies would be delivered and everything was well but all good things have to come to an end.
I guess they have too many customers to handle now so service has gone down the drain
The quality of 2 out of 10discs are bad and even though they have an option where you can send an sms about disc quality, dont think that they really take it seriously though they mention that all discs are cleaned before delivery
When you order novies, it shows "pending shipment" and once the movies are delivered that changes to "movies delivered" .I had recently ordered movies and even got an sms the next day morning that the movies would be delivered by the evening and in case of delay, call their warehouse number.I didnt receive it that day and waited for it the next day as well and when I didnt receive it even the next day I checked my account and to my surprise it showed movies delivered, so I called their Customer Care(which by the way is not a Toll Free number, so get ready to spend some rupees while you are put on hold) and spoke to the CSR and informed him that the movies were never delivered to which he promptly reordered the movies for me and the same movies showed "pending shipment" and were delivered the next day, then the trouble started, when I ordered the next set of movies, I first got a pending shipment message for two days and then the third day I got a cancelled shipment message because they said that I had double shipment, which first of all is not possible, because when you order movies they deliver and pick up the previously ordered movies.In this case the same set of movies cannot be delivered twice consecutively, so it was obvious that it was an error on their part.I have spoken to their CSRs over the last 15days and the same reply I get, that they are sorry and they apologise and they ask me which movies I want and that goes to "pending shipment" and after two days I get the same sms that it has been cancelled because I have two sets of movies with me.I have spoken to their CSRs namely Asiya, Roopa, Asha, Sumalatha, Kiran, Bikram and though I have spoken to the same people over and over again, none of them have taken the responsibilty to rectify the error nor do they connect me to any supervisor nor do they transfer the line to the colleague who spoke to me earlier, so as a result I have to explain everything again, though they can see that I have been calling several times.
There is even a Write to CEO option which I have written but to no avail, I woner if anyone even checks those emails.They do not even bother to call back or follow up on the problem.They all say that a complaint has been filed, they have sent a message to the concerned dept but nothing has been rectified even now.No one even bothers to call back and explain what is happening with the pending complaint so I have to keep calling them for no fault of mine.I have even asked for an extension of my validity for the 15days, which I have not been able to order any movies, which has not been done.I have even asked for a refund which as I can see from other reviews is a lost cause.
This is how a customer of 3years is facing, one can imagine how new customers will be treated after a few months.
Even today I called their CSR and she couldnt even hear me cause there was so much racket in the background, was wondering if some irrate customers have come there to complain!
I would never ever recommend anyone to join because if you have a problem, there will be no one there to help you as they are all trained to only apologise and say they understand and empathise with you but nothing more than that will they do.
I even had a problem earlier with a subsription which took weeks to resolve, but that is a different story.
This is what one gets for loyalty.