David Dhawan is the person involved in many of those baseless movies which are not deserved to be seen and adding one more is Shadi No 1. Few things which I want to point out here will give you fair idea that what is the movie all about.
Presence of Sunjay Dutt
The most stupid thing about this Shadi was the presence of Sunju Baba. He tried to break the legs of many old sayings and molded them in a manner which expressed his lack ness and concentration in the role. If you just skip his role then too the movie could reach its climax but with some boring part not present. In order to make us laugh Sunju performed badly and caused the Sar Dard for many of the people who watched the movie.
Presence of Esha Deol
There was no need of this girl in the movie and she was added in the movie wrongly. She acted awfully and overacted all the way. Simply she needs practice and acting skills and if she will try all that in this Janam it would be impossible so she has to come again in this world.
Presence of Fardeen
No need to say he is a failure in comedy. He tries to laugh loudly and usual stupid dialogue delivery.
Presence of Sophie
She was simply awful. Her facial expression shows that she falls in the same category as Esha falls.
Presence of David Dhawan
Wedding planner of the movie who made everyone laugh not due to his movie’s contents but due to the need to make this Stupid movie.
For readers I want to say that please avoid this movie and don’t even try to get it on VCD as it will waste your time because after you buy it you will break it as I know a sensible person won’t want to have this kind of stupid thing.