I have been a member of shaadi.com for about 13 years, during which not I didnt receive a single suitable match. To try another alternative, we got a relationship manager , who we paid for twice , a hefty sum for 6 months, during which the RM would just send 7 profile selected from their database without checking authenticity of the profile. Of the three more or less suitable people, I contacted, all three turned out to be frauds with wrong details, made up profiles etc. So I would never recommend shaadi.com -
ANY SERVICES whatsoever. Even the profiles one would accept their interest, wouldnt bother to pay to respond to your profile.
In Short, SHAADI.com is a big RIP OFF. I wasted not only my time and money but also got a lot of grief from finding out that these are fake profiles after few months of communication.
If there is an authentic matchmaker, do contact me, else I may need to set up one of my own. My product rating would be a negative number -1000 for all the grief I have been through because of them.