Ive been using this service for several yrs. All Ive met were liars. People who say they are single, never been married, dont have children, have had a marriage annulled. All liars. If you are a paid member you can lie about anything on your profile and they will not take the profile down once youve been reported by them.
Ive reported two fake profiles. Each time I got bombarded w/ extra likes and interests. I believe these interests were fake profiles made by shaadi in an effort to divert me from the fact that I was onto the Fake profiles. When I made contact w/ some these people the conversation goes no where. Also contact or not, the just fade into the background never to be heard from again. In any case I turned in the first person sending them lots of proof and hard evidence that they were fake and had actually scammed money from other females.
It took me writing them several times before they finally deactivated his profile. I guess this was either due to the fact that he was a paid user or one of the fake IDs created by them. In any case when I look at the profile it says temporarily hidden. But maybe they just have it like this for me and other suckers.err, I mean members are able to see it. The 2nd one I turned in was inactive for maybe a day. I see it no longer has a message staying this profile is temporarily hidden. But for now I am waiting to see how long they will leave it active because he too is a paid member. Only I know him personally and the info he has posted in his profile is all fake according to what hes been telling me since I met him more than a year ago.
I believe shaadi is making shell profiles w/ the purpose of cheating other members out of money by befriending them and then asking them to wire them money under the ruse that they are having some sort of difficulties which requires financial help. I also believe that they are also making IDs in an effort to help certain people obtain marriage visas in an effort to get into other countries. Further, If I were you I wouldnt post any of my pictures or give anyone permission to look at any pictures on or off shaadi. I believe that shaadi takes the pictures and sometimes personal info from real people and use them to make fake IDs in an effort to attract and cheat unsuspecting users. I wish now Id not sent them documents proving my identity as a company like this is liable to steal your identity and make fake IDs which they can sale to others for use.
I dont care what anyone says, this company is NOT legit. Ive been using it too long and have met too many fake people and liars. The only thing shaadi is good for is when you happen to be bored and are looking for some free entertainment by seeing how many and what sort of lairs you will catch on a random visit to their site. or what lie they will come up w/ next. Someone should really sue!