My friends bad experience with
Guys if you are thinking of creating your profile at matrimonial website please avoid at any cost. I am sharing my bad experience with in order to warn others so that they wont have to go through the same harassment as I did. They have a secret surprise for you when you create a profile.
After you fill all your personal details and almost complete the profile, they would ask for your personal credentials(ID Proof) and this is not optional. And if you dont want to provide these documents then they will keep hold of your profile and you wont be able to sign in.
Moreover you wont be able to delete it as you are not allowed to sign in to your own profile. So this is how you are stuck with them and their poor customer care service who keep repeating like parrots that they "wont be able to help you", "your profile is not activated so you dont have to worry about it", "this is the rule maam" etc.
I have never heard of any matrimonial site that does that. Providing personal credentials(ID Proof) is a personal decision and one should not be forced to do that.
So I created my profile at, filled in all my personal details, provided my personal phone number but just because I dont want to give them my ID they will keep my profile indefinitely and wont delete it even after my requesting to do so again and again. My concern is- what if some ignorant executive at their site activate my profile without my knowing it or their policy change in future and they activate all inactive profiles that are stuck at present without ID proof! What if I am engaged or married by then! So you know how it is.
You all must be wondering why I am making such a fuss on not providing my ID proof. Well! In India we do not have to get married by providing IDs, secondly-my pictures are really bad in all IDs, one has to be really careful about providing personal credentials(specially the soft copies), they are not the BANK or Govt Office and they have no right to demand for personal IDs in order to create their own data base.if it was not so they would ask for it before one is creating the profile but there was no prior warning that the profile wont be completed or activated without ID proof. It is only after you are almost done they ask for it.
So friends please choose wisely.
P.S they did not even bother to respond to requests.