When you enter the Shabree, you feel like youve entered a dining room in one of the courts of the old peshwas. The ambience is splendid and the whole set-up reminds one of the old peshwai days. All waiters are dressed up like the maratha soldiers of the old. The sign board too is hung on a huge rock of granite. So much for the ambience.
Coming to the Food. With food like this, Gluttony needs to be struck off the list of the Seven deadly sins. The taste is 100% authentic maharashtrian and leaves you trying to extract the last remnants of the flavour from your fingertips. The taste is sure to remain in your memory for years as it has in my case. I just hope it is still maintained in the same fashion as it was being maintained when I visited it, which was 2 years ago. If it has, then you could go all the way to Pune just to taste the food in Shabrees. A must visit for all those who live in or are visiting Pune