A perfect example of third rate attitude and disgusting behaviour towards students by the authorities is observed at its best.i do not believe in signalling out individuals as it is of no use.the mentality of the staff and officials has to change considerably if they have to earn anysympathy and respect.
Students only respect them for the positions in which they are working notto them as individuals.these people have to undertake responsibility and create an atmosphereby which there is a sense of consideration given to the students. as for the staff I have to saythey must recollect those days when they were on the benches as students and understandthe impact of their decisions in the minds of the students.
They must take all these points intoaccount rather than just bombarding the students and treating them in a very unprofessional manner. students are the assets for any educational institute as they give the institute itsidentity but here students are made to bear all the trouble by the administrative staff andmanagement.the managing committee is a mute spectator to this illmannered officials andfaculty.