I am a second year student . let me tell you this college has some horrible teachers and
administrative officials. my first year was a torture with interacting with people like
satinder and khan. satinder a visiting professor should be thrown away from the colleges
of mumbai and india. she is only fit for the job of critic. a worst administration clerks
should be pelted with stones and should be beaten brutually. singh first year incharge is
a dummy .my experiences in the college after 3 semesters are horrible and pathetic.
only thing good in this college is maths teaching. mr s dasari is the best teacher in the
whole college. he makes studies interesting and he deserves to be given appreciation.
khan is a heartless creature and is only interested in giving poor termwork to students.
peons should be hammered for bad behaviour and also the lab attendents should
be shown the door. why oldies are brought as professors from BARC just because
they are cheap. here teachers make us wait for hours to get our work done.
mr umarshi chadwa and his entire management should take serious note of their
staff behaviour.fools dont understand anything.office bearers dont even give us
stationary asking us to move here and there like stray dogs. bhatt is another foolish chap
who likes only girls and hates boys.
clerks should made to stand in front along with registrar and apologise for bad
behaviour to students. stupid college mad people like satinder , singh, khan, bhatt, menon
mahendra shah is a puppet who is only defending his staff.
money oriented organisation with no manners and decency.
let us hope that the management looks into this along with anchorwala.