This college stands out amdist the industrious locality of Deonar...infact is the only piece of architecture in that area worth giving another look...
The college has fewer number of students per class in comaparison to many other colleges which overflow with students where many students never even come in contact with each other during their four years of engineering.
This college has lots to offer if a student is willing to learn and grasp even the slightest opportunities it gives. True that a student will have to study and work and struggle for his place under the toughest conditions but at the end the sense of achievement which the student gets both academically and socially makes him/her strong enough to face the real world.
The professors of this college do earn respect by their distinct styles of teaching. It again boils down to the same point the professor will take pains if the student is ready to learn. it is a known fact that how ever good the professor is the student will invest in private tutions and classes and hence pay less or no attention in class thus resulting in poor response from the professors. The professor will take interest if the student show interests and exhbit the willingness to simpling pin pointing that the professors cannot speak english properly does not mean that he/she lacks knowledge in the subject which he /she is teaching.
One quality which this college did preserve while I was there was discipline.Complusion on attendance of classes and strcit rules and regulations in the college premises with regards to student conduct were some of the disciplinary measures which the college pursued.
The college has consistenly churned out good results from the past few years and will continue to do so if the students which go to this college will have the desire to do well in life.A good indication of results in genrally reflected by the number of placements a college has. Statsitics will show that a good amount of the students get placed in good companies like wipro, amdocs, syntel, patni computers etc etc...
A word of advice to the new students who plan to enroll in this college... U will have to make your own oppourtunities and struggle for ur survival for the first two years both academically and socially . When u achieve this The next two years will ensure bliss and sucess for you.